© 2015 - 2020 The original authors.
1. Introduction
This is a Maven plugin for managing Docker images and containers. It focuses on two major aspects for a Docker build integration:
1.1. Building Images
One purpose of this plugin is to create Docker images holding the actual application. This is done with the docker:build goal. It is easy to include build artefacts and their dependencies into an image.
Several ways for configuring the builds are supported:
An own configuration syntax can be used to create a Dockerfile. For specifying artefacts and other files, the plugin uses the assembly descriptor format from the maven-assembly-plugin to copy over those file into the Docker image.
An external Dockerfile can be specified in which Maven properties can be inserted. This is also the default mode, if only a single image should be built and a top-level
exists. See Simple Dockerfile build for details of this zero XML configuration mode.
Images that are built with this plugin can be pushed to public or private Docker registries with docker:push.
1.2. Running Containers
With this plugin it is possible to run completely isolated integration tests so you don’t need to take care of shared resources. Ports can be mapped dynamically and made available as Maven properties to your integration test code.
Multiple containers can be managed at once, which can be linked together or share data via volumes. Containers are created and started with the docker:start goal and stopped and destroyed with the docker:stop goal. For integration tests both goals are typically bound to the the pre-integration-test and post-integration-test phase, respectively. It is recommended to use the maven-failsafe-plugin for integration testing in order to stop the docker container even when the tests fail.
For proper isolation, container exposed ports can be dynamically and flexibly mapped to local host ports. It is easy to specify a Maven property which will be filled in with a dynamically assigned port after a container has been started. This can then be used as parameter for integration tests to connect to the application.
1.3. Configuration
The plugin configuration contains a global part and a list of image-specific configuration within a <images>
list, where each image is defined within a <image>
tag. See below for an example.
The global part contains configuration applicable to all images like the Docker URL or the path to the SSL certificates for communication with the Docker Host.
Then, each specific image configuration has three parts:
The <build>
, <run>
and <copy>
parts are optional and can be omitted.
1.4. Example
In the following examples, two images are specified. One is the official PostgreSQL 9 image from Docker Hub, which internally is referenced with an alias "database". It only has a <run> section which declares that the startup should wait until the given text pattern is matched in the log output. Next is a "service" image, which has a <build> section. It creates an image which has artifacts and dependencies in the /maven
directory (and which are specified with an assembly descriptor). Additionally, it specifies the startup command for the container, which in this example fires up a microservice from a jar file copied over via the assembly descriptor. It also exposes port 8080. In the <run>
section this port is mapped to a dynamically chosen port and then assigned to the Maven property ${tomcat.port}
. This property could be used, for example, by an integration test to access this microservice. An important part is the <links>
section which indicates that the image with the alias of "database" is linked into the "service" container, which can access the internal ports in the usual Docker way (via environment variables prefixed with DB_
Images can be specified in any order and the plugin will take care of the proper startup order (and will bail out if it detects circular dependencies).
<alias>service</alias> (1)
<build> (2)
<from>java:8</from> (3)
<descriptor>docker-assembly.xml</descriptor> (4)
<cmd> (5)
<shell>java -jar /maven/service.jar</shell>
<run> (6)
<ports> (7)
<wait> (8)
<links> (9)
<copy> (12)
<containerPath>/etc/hosts</containerPath> (13)
<hostDirectory>${project.build.directory}</hostDirectory> (14)
<alias>database</alias> (10)
<wait> (11)
<log>database system is ready to accept connections</log>
1 | Image configuration for a Java service with alias "service" and name fabric8/docker-demo:${project.version} |
2 | build configuration defines how a Docker image should be created |
3 | Base image, in this case java:8 |
4 | Content of the image can be specified with an assembly descriptor |
5 | Default command to run when a container is created. |
6 | Run configuration defines how a container should be created from this image |
7 | Port mapping defines how container ports should be mapped to host ports |
8 | Wait section which is a readiness check when starting the service |
9 | Network link describes how this service’s container is linked to the database container |
10 | Second image is a plain database image which is only needed for running (hence there is no <build> section). The alias is used in the network link section above |
11 | Wait until the corresponding output appears on stdout when starting the Docker container. |
12 | Copy configuration defines what files and directories of a container should be copied to the host by docker:copy goal |
13 | Defines what file of a container should be copied to the host |
14 | Defines target directory of the host to place the file copied from a container |
1.5. Features
Some other highlights, in random order:
Auto pulling of images with a progress indicator
Waiting for a container to startup based on time, the reachability of an URL, or a pattern in the log output
Support for SSL Authentication and OpenShift credentials
Docker machine support
Flexible registry handling (i.e. registries can be specified as metadata)
Specification of encrypted registry passwords for push and pull in ~/.m2/settings.xml (i.e., outside the pom.xml)
Color output
Watching on project changes and automatic recreation of image
Properties as alternative to the XML configuration
Support for Docker daemons accepting http or https request via TCP and for Unix sockets
2. Installation
This plugin is available from Maven central and can be connected to pre- and post-integration phase as seen below. The configuration and available goals are described below.
<!-- A single's image configuration -->
<!-- Connect start/stop to pre- and
post-integration-test phase, respectively if you want to start
your docker containers during integration tests -->
<!-- "build" should be used to create the images with the
artifact -->
When working with this plugin you can use an own packaging with a specialized lifecycle in order to keep your pom files small. Three packaging variants are available:
docker : This binds
to the package phase anddocker:start
to the pre- and post-integration phase respectively. Alsodocker:push
is bound to the deploy phase. -
docker-build : Much like the docker packaging, except that there are no integration tests configured by default.
docker-tar : Create a so called Docker tar archive which is used as the artifact and which later can be used for building an image. It contains essentially a
with supporting files. See docker:source for more details.
These packaging definitions include the jar lifecycle methods so they are well suited for simple Microservice style projects.
This will create the jar (if any), build the Docker images, start the configured Docker containers, runs the integration tests, stops the configured Docker container when you enter mvn install
. With mvn deploy
you can additionally push the images to a Docker configuration. Please note the <extensions>true</extensions>
which is mandatory when you use a custom lifecycle.
The rest of this manual is now about how to configure the plugin for your images.
3. Global configuration
Global configuration parameters specify overall behavior like the connection to the Docker host. The corresponding system properties which can be used to set it from the outside are given in parentheses.
The docker-maven-plugin uses the Docker remote API so the URL of your
Docker Daemon must somehow be specified. The URL can be specified by
the dockerHost or machine configuration, or by the DOCKER_HOST
environment variable.
The Docker remote API supports communication via SSL and
authentication with certificates. The path to the certificates can
be specified by the certPath or machine configuration, or by the
environment variable.
Element | Description | Property |
apiVersion |
Use this variable if you are using an older version of docker not compatible with the current default use to communicate with the server. |
authConfig |
Authentication information when pulling from or pushing to Docker registry. There is a dedicated section Authentication for how doing security. |
autoCreate CustomNetworks |
Create automatically Docker networks during |
autoPull |
Decide how to pull missing base images or images to start. This option is deprecated, please use imagePullPolicy instead. The following values are supported:
buildArchiveOnly |
Skip the actual Docker image build and only create the archive holding the Dockerfile and build context. The following values are supported:
certPath |
Path to SSL certificate when SSL is used for communicating with the Docker daemon. These certificates are normally stored in |
dockerHost |
The URL of the Docker Daemon. If this configuration option is not given, then the optional
filter |
In order to temporarily restrict the operation of plugin goals this configuration option can be used. Typically this will be set via the system property |
Specify whether images should be pull when looking for base images while building or images for starting. This property can take the following values (case insensitive):
By default a progress meter is printed out on the console, which is omitted when using Maven in batch mode (option |
logDate |
Date format which is used for printing out container logs. This configuration can be overwritten by individual run configurations and described below. The format is described in Logging. |
logStdout |
For all container logging to standard output if set to |
machine |
Docker machine configuration. See Docker Machine for possible values |
maxConnections |
Number of parallel connections are allowed to be opened to the Docker Host. For parsing log output, a connection needs to be kept open (as well for the wait features), so don’t put that number to low. Default is 100 which should be suitable for most of the cases. |
jib |
Delegate Image Build process to JIB, |
jibImageFormat |
Format of the image to be built. Values can be |
outputDirectory |
Default output directory to be used by this plugin. The default value is |
portPropertyFile |
Global property file into which the mapped properties should be written to. The format of this file and its purpose are also described in Port Mapping. |
registry |
Specify globally a registry to use for pulling and pushing images. See Registry handling for details. |
skip |
With this parameter the execution of this plugin can be skipped completely. |
skipBuild |
If set no images will be build (which implies also skip.tag) with |
skipPush |
If set dont push any images even when |
skipPom |
If set to |
skipRun |
If set dont create and start any containers with |
skipTag |
If set to |
skipMachine |
Skip using docker machine in any case |
sourceDirectory |
Default directory that contains the assembly descriptor(s) used by the plugin. The default value is |
useColor |
Whether to use colored log output. By default this is switched on when running on a console, off otherwise. |
outputFile |
If specified, this parameter will cause the logs to be written to the path specified, instead of writing to the console. |
verbose |
String attribute for switching on verbose output on standard output (stdout). It takes a comma separated list of string values to switch on various verbosity groups. The currently known groups are: build:: Print out Docker build instructions api:: API calls to the Docker daemons are logged all:: All levels are enabled If you set an empty string (or only e.g. Default is that verbose logging is disabled. |
This plugin supports also Docker machine (which must be installed locally, of course). A Docker machine configuration can be provided with a top-level <machine>
configuration section. This configuration section knows the following options:
Element | Description |
name |
Docker machine’s name. Default is |
autoCreate |
if set to |
regenerateCertsAfterStart |
if set to |
createOptions |
Map with options for Docker machine when auto-creating a machine. See the docker machine documentation for possible options. |
When no Docker host is configured or available as an environment variable, then the configured Docker machine is used. If the machine exists but is not running, it is started automatically. If it does not exists but autoCreate
is true, then the machine is created and started. Otherwise, an error is printed. Please note, that a machine which has been created because of autoCreate
gets never deleted by docker-maven-plugin. This needs to be done manually if required.
In absence of a <machine>
configuration section the Maven property docker.machine.name
can be used to provide the name of a Docker machine. Similarly, the property docker.machine.autoCreate
can be set to true for creating a Docker machine, too.
You can use the property docker.skip.machine
if you want to override the internal detection mechanism to always disable docker machine support.
<!-- Work with a docker-machine -->
4. Image configuration
The plugin’s configuration is centered around images. These are
specified for each image within the <images>
element of the
configuration with one <image>
element per image to use.
The <image>
element can contain the following sub elements:
Element | Description |
name |
Each |
alias |
Shortcut name for an image which can be used for identifying the image within this configuration. This is used when linking images together or for specifying it with the global image configuration element. |
Registry to use for this image. If the |
Element which contains all the configuration aspects when doing a docker:build. This element can be omitted if the image is only pulled from a registry e.g. as support for integration tests like database images. |
Element which describe how containers should be created and run when docker:start is called. If this image is only used a data container (i.e. is supposed only to be mounted as a volume) for exporting artifacts via volumes this section can be missing. |
Describes how files and directories of containers should be copied when docker:copy is called. This element is optional. |
Specification of external configuration as an alternative to this XML based configuration with |
removeNamePattern |
When this image is to be removed by docker:remove, use this pattern list to find images to remove rather than just using the name. |
stopNamePattern |
When containers associated with this image will be stopped by docker:stop, use this pattern list to find containers to remove rather than just using the associated container name. |
When copying files and directories defined in copy element of the image configuration with docker:copy goal, use this pattern to find containers to copy from. This element is optional. |
Either a <build>
or <run>
section must be present (except when you are using the simple Dockerfile build mode). These are explained in details in the corresponding goal sections.
When using Maven profiles, it can be useful to override settings
of a particular image. To facilitate this, the element <imagesMap>
can be used alongside the <images>
element. Each entry in <imagesMap>
translates to an image configuration where the alias of the image
is set to the map entry’s key. The examples above and below produce
identical image configurations.
4.1. Image Names
When specifying the image name in the configuration with the <name>
field you can use several placeholders which are replaced during runtime by this plugin. In addition you can use regular Maven properties which are resolved by Maven itself.
Replacements can also be used in <tag>
fields within the the tags of any build configuration.
Placeholder | Description |
%g |
The last part of the Maven group name, sanitized so that it can be used as username on GitHub. Only the part after the last dot is used. E.g. for a group id |
%a |
A sanitized version of the artefact id so that it can be used as part of an Docker image name. I.e. it is converted to all lower case (as required by Docker) |
%v |
The project version. Synonym to |
%l |
If the project version ends with |
%t |
If the project version ends with |
%T |
Timestamp with the format |
4.2. Container Names
Similar to image name placeholders, for starting and stopping containers and alternate set of placeholders can be configured in order to the name the containers to create.
These placeholders can be used in the top-level configuration value containerNamePattern
which is used globally for every container that is created.
This global pattern can be overwritten individually by each image’s run configuration.
If neither is given, then by default the pattern %n-%i
is used.
When specifying the container name pattern the following placeholders can be used:
Placeholder | Description |
%a |
The |
%e |
Choose an empty container name, which will let the docker engine chose a random container name automatically. This placeholder must be given as single value to |
%n |
A sanitized version of the image’s short name from which this container is created. "Sanitized" means that any non letter, digit, dot or dash is replaced by an underscore. |
%t |
The build time stamp. This is the timestamp which created during the building of an image and locally cached. A rebuild of the image will update the timestamp. |
%i |
An index which is incremented if a container has already been created. With this parameter it is easily possible to have multiple, similar containers. See the example below for more details. |
You can combine the placeholders in any combination and will be resolved during docker:start
, docker:stop
and docker:watch
The following example is using a container name pattern of %n-%i
which is also the default.
Given an image fabric8io/dmp-sample-jolokia:latest
, then during mvn docker:start
a container with the name dmp-sample-jolokia-1
is first tried.
If there is already a container with this name, then dmp-sample-jolokia-2
is the second attempt.
This goes on until a "free" name is found.
Similar, when stopping containers with mvn docker:stop
then only the container with the highest index is stopped.
However, if you don’t use an index via %i
then all containers started with docker:start
are stopped.
Use mvn docker:stop -Ddocker.allContainers
to also stop every container named via a %i
4.3. Name Patterns
Goals that need to refer to images or containers where the name of the image or container is not fixed may support name patterns for matching. Patterns can use an Ant-like syntax or Java regular expressions.
4.3.1. Ant-like Name Patterns
Ant path matching patterns that operate on path names use the convention that a *
matches within a single path
component, while **
can match multiple components.
Adapting this style to image names requires some tweaks since image names may include registry information, a path-like repository name and a tag. Consider the following image names:
Unlike in Ant matching of file system paths, the :
is an important marker, but only at the end where it separates the
version from the repository. Also, patterns that match repository names need to anticipate that there may be a registry
name at the beginning if the image has been tagged for pushing to a registry.
Taking this into account, the name pattern wildcards are:
matches a single character -
matches zero or more characters, up to the next slash or the tag separator -
matches zero or more characters, up to the tag separator -
matches zero or more characters, up to the tag separator, and ensures that if any characters are matched, the final character matched is a slash
Examples of Ant-like Name Patterns
Pattern | Matches | Does Not Match |
4.3.2. Java Regular Expression Patterns
To indicate that a name pattern is a Java regular expression, prefix the regular expression with %regex[
suffix with ]
Examples of Java Regular Expression Patterns
Pattern | Matches | Does Not Match |
4.3.3. Name Pattern Lists
In goals such as docker:stop and docker:remove where multiple patterns are supported, separate patterns with commas.
5. Maven Goals
This plugin supports the following goals which are explained in detail in the next sections.
Goal | Description | Default Lifecycle Phase |
Build images |
install |
Create and start containers |
pre-integration-test |
Stop and destroy containers |
post-integration-test |
Push images to a registry |
deploy |
Watch for doing rebuilds and restarts |
Remove images from local docker host |
post-integration-test |
Show container logs |
Copy container files and directories to the host |
post-integration-test |
Attach docker build archive to Maven project |
package |
Save images to a file |
Create a volume for containers to share data |
pre-integration-test |
Remove a volume |
post-integration-test |
Note that all goals are orthogonal to each other. For example in order
to start a container for your application you typically have to build
its image before. docker:start
does not imply building the image
so you should use it then in combination with docker:build
5.1. docker:build
This goal will build all images which have a <build>
configuration section, or, if the global configuration variable filter
) is set, only the images contained in this variable (comma separated) will be built.
There are two different modes how images can be built:
With an inline plugin configuration all information required to build the image is contained in the plugin configuration. By default its the standard XML based configuration for the plugin but can be switched to a property based configuration syntax as described in the section External configuration. The XML configuration syntax is recommended because of its more structured and typed nature.
When using this mode, the Dockerfile is created on the fly with all instructions extracted from the configuration given.
Alternatively an external Dockerfile template or Docker archive can be used. This mode is switched on by using one of these three configuration options within
contextDir specifies docker build context if an external dockerfile is located outside of Docker build context. If not specified, Dockerfile’s parent directory is used as build context.
dockerFile specifies a specific Dockerfile path. The Docker build context directory is set to
if given. If not the directory by default is the directory in which the Dockerfile is stored. -
dockerArchive specifies a previously saved image archive to load directly. Such a tar archive can be created with
docker save
or the docker:save goal. If adockerArchive
is provided, nodockerFile
must be given. -
dockerFileDir (deprecated, use contextDir) specifies a directory containing a Dockerfile that will be used to create the image. The name of the Dockerfile is
by default but can be also set with the optiondockerFile
(see below).
All paths can be either absolute or relative paths (except when both dockerFileDir
and dockerFile
are provided in which case dockerFile
must not be absolute). A relative path is looked up in ${project.basedir}/src/main/docker
by default. You can make it easily an absolute path by using ${project.basedir}
in your configuration.
Any additional files located in the dockerFileDir
directory will also be added to the build context as well.
You can also use an assembly if specified in an assembly configuration.
However, you need to add the files on your own in the Dockerfile with an ADD
The files of the assembly are stored in a build context relative directory maven/
but can be changed by changing the assembly name with the option <name>
in the assembly configuration.
E.g. the files can be added with
COPY maven/ /my/target/directory
so that the assembly files will end up in /my/target/directory
within the container.
If this directory contains a .maven-dockerignore
(or alternatively, a .maven-dockerexclude
file), then it is used for excluding files for the build. Each line in this file is treated as a FileSet exclude pattern as used by the maven-assembly-plugin. It is similar to .dockerignore
when using Docker but has a slightly different syntax (hence the different name).
Example .maven-dockerexclude
or .maven-dockerignore
is an example which excludes all compiled Java classes.
or .maven-dockerignore
target/classes/** (1)
1 | Exclude all compiled classes |
If this directory contains a .maven-dockerinclude
file, then it is used for including only those files for the build. Each line in this file is also treated as a FileSet exclude pattern as used by the maven-assembly-plugin. Example .maven-dockerinclude
shows how to include only jar file that have build to the Docker build context.
target/*.jar (1)
1 | Only add jar file to you Docker build context. |
Except for the assembly configuration all other configuration options are ignored for now.
When only a single image should be built with a Dockerfile no XML configuration is needed at all.
All what need to be done is to place a Dockerfile
into the top-level module directory, alongside to pom.xml
You can still configure global aspects in the plugin configuration, but as soon as you add an <image>
in the XML configuration, you need to configure also the build explicitly.
The image name is by default set from the Maven coordinates (%g/%a:%l
, see Image Name for an explanation of the params which are essentially the Maven GAV)
This name can be set with the property docker.name
If you want to add some <run>
configuration to this image for starting it with docker:run
then you can add an image configuration but without a <build>
section in which case the Dockerfile will be picked up, too. This works only for a single image, though.
fabric8-maven-plugin filters given Dockerfile with Maven properties, much like the maven-resource-plugin
does. Filtering is enabled by default and can be switched off with a build config <filter>false</filter>
. Properties which we want to replace are specified with the ${..}
Replacement includes Maven project properties such as ${project.artifactId}
, properties set in the build, command-line properties, and system properties. Unresolved properties remain untouched.
This partial replacement means that you can easily mix it with Docker build arguments and environment variable reference, but you need to be careful.
If you want to be more explicit about the property delimiter to clearly separate Docker properties and Maven properties you can redefine the delimiter.
In general, the filter
option can be specified the same way as delimiters in the resource plugin.
In particular, if this configuration contains a * then the parts left, and right of the asterisks are used as delimiters.
For example, the default <filter>${*}</filter>
parse Maven properties in the format that we know.
If you specify a single character for <filter>
then this delimiter is taken for both, the start and the end.
E.g a <filter>@</filter>
triggers on parameters in the format @…@
, much like in the maven-invoker-plugin
Use something like this if you want to clearly separate from Docker builds args.
This form of property replacement works for Dockerfile only.
For replacing other data in other files targeted for the Docker image, please use the maven-resource-plugin
or an assembly configuration with filtering to make them available in the docker build context.
The following example uses a Dockerfile in the directory
and replaces all properties in the format @property@
within the Dockerfile.
This plugin supports so call dmp-plugins which are used during the build phase. dmp-plugins are enabled by just declaring a dependency in the plugin declaration:
These plugins contain a descriptor META-INF/maven/io.fabric8/dmp-plugin
with class names, line-by-line:
During a build with docker:build
, those classes are loaded and certain fixed method are called.
The following methods are supported:
Method | Description |
addExtraFiles |
A static method called by dmp with a single |
If a configured plugin does not provide method of this name and signature, then it will be simply ignored. Also, no interface needs to be implemented to keep the coupling low.
The following official dmp-plugins are known and supported:
Name | G,A | Description |
General purpose startup script fo running Java applications. The dmp plugin creates a |
Check out samples/run-java
for a fully working example.
5.1.1. Configuration
All build relevant configuration is contained in the <build>
of an image configuration. The following configuration options are supported:
Element | Description |
Specifies multiple assembly configurations as described in Build Assembly |
Specifies the assembly configuration as described in Build Assembly |
Map specifying the value of Docker build args
which should be used when building the image with an external Dockerfile which uses build arguments. The key-value syntax is the same as when defining Maven properties (or |
buildOptions |
Map specifying the build options to provide to the docker daemon when building the image. These options map to the ones listed as query parameters in the
Docker Remote API and are restricted to simple options
(e.g.: memory, shmsize). If you use the respective configuration options for build options natively supported by the build configuration (i.e. |
buildx |
Specifies the buildx configuration for multi-architecture images. See Buildx Options |
createImageOptions |
Map specifying the create image options to provide to the docker daemon when pulling or importing an image. These options map to the ones listed as query parameters in the Docker Remote API and are restricted to simple options (e.g.: fromImage, fromSrc, platform). |
cleanup |
Cleanup dangling (untagged) images after each build, including any stopped containers created from them. Also cleanup dangling images as a result of image tagging, auto-pulling a base image, or auto-pulling a cacheFrom image. Default is |
Path to a directory used for the build’s context. You can specify the |
A command to execute by default (i.e. if no command is provided when a container for this image is started). See Startup Arguments for details. |
compression |
The compression mode how the build archive is transmitted to the docker daemon ( |
dockerFile |
Path to a |
dockerFileDir (deprecated in favor of contextDir) |
Path to a directory holding a |
dockerArchive |
Path to a saved image archive which is then imported. See Docker archive for details. |
An entrypoint allows you to configure a container that will run as an executable. See Startup Arguments for details. |
The environments as described in Setting Environment Variables and Labels. |
filter |
Enable and set the delimiters for property replacements. By default properties in the format |
The base image which should be used for this image. If not given this default to |
Extended definition for a base image. This field holds a map of defined in
A provided |
Definition of a health check as described in Healthcheck |
imagePullPolicy |
Specific pull policy for the base image. This overwrites any global pull policy. See the globale configuration option imagePullPolicy for the possible values and the default. |
Scan the archive specified in |
Labels as described in Setting Environment Variables and Labels. |
maintainer |
The author ( |
network |
Set the networking mode for the RUN instructions during build |
noCache |
Don’t use Docker’s build cache. This can be overwritten by setting a system property |
squash |
Squash newly built layers into a single new layer. This can be overwritten by setting a system property |
cacheFrom |
A list of |
optimise |
if set to true then it will compress all the |
ports |
The exposed ports which is a list of |
shell |
Shell to be used for the runCmds. It contains arg elements which are defining the executable and its params. |
runCmds |
Commands to be run during the build process. It contains run elements which are passed to the shell. Whitespace is trimmed from each element and empty elements are ignored. The run commands are inserted right after the assembly and after workdir into the Dockerfile. This tag is not to be confused with the |
skip |
if set to true disables building of the image. This config option is best used together with a maven property |
skipPush |
if set to true disables pushing of the image. This config option is best used together with a maven property |
skipTag |
If set to |
tags |
List of additional |
user |
User to which the Dockerfile should switch to the end (corresponds to the |
volumes |
List of |
workdir |
Directory to change to when starting the container. |
useDefaultExcludes |
If set to true this plugin won’t include any hidden files in the docker image. |
From this configuration this Plugin creates an in-memory Dockerfile, copies over the assembled files and calls the Docker daemon via its remote API.
<maintainer>[email protected]</maintainer>
<run>groupadd -r appUser</run>
<run>useradd -r -g appUser appUser</run>
<!-- exec form for ENTRYPOINT -->
In order to see the individual build steps you can switch on verbose
mode either by setting the property docker.verbose
or by using <verbose>true</verbose>
in the Global configuration
5.1.2. Assembly
The <assembly>
element within <build>
has an XML structure and defines how build artifacts and other files can enter the Docker image.
Multiple <assembly>
elements may be specified by adding them to an <assemblies>
If both <assembly>
and <assemblies>
are present in <build>
, the <assembly>
element is treated as if it were the last child of <assemblies>
When multiple assemblies are provided, each will be added as a separate layer in the image.
Element | Description |
name |
Assembly name, which is |
targetDir |
Directory under which the files and artifacts contained in the assembly will be copied within the container. The default value for this is |
Inlined assembly descriptor as described in Assembly Descriptor below. |
Path to an assembly descriptor file, whose format is described Assembly Descriptor below. |
Alias to a predefined assembly descriptor. The available aliases are also described in Assembly Descriptor below. |
dockerFileDir |
Directory containing an external Dockerfile. This option is deprecated, please use <dockerFileDir> directly in the <build> section. |
exportTargetDir |
Specification whether the |
ignorePermissions |
Specification if existing file permissions should be ignored
when creating the assembly archive with a mode |
mode |
Mode how the how the assembled files should be collected:
The archive formats have the advantage that file permission can be preserved better (since the copying is independent from the underlying files systems), but might triggers internal bugs from the Maven assembler (as it has been reported in #171) |
permissions |
Permission of the files to add:
tarLongFileMode |
Sets the TarArchiver behaviour on file paths with more than 100 characters length. Valid values are: "warn"(default), "fail", "truncate", "gnu", "posix", "posix_warn" or "omit" |
User and/or group under which the files should be added. The user must already exist in the base image. It has the general format If a third part is given, then the build changes to user For example, the image |
In the event you do not need to include any artifacts with the image, you may safely omit this element from the configuration.
Assembly Descriptor
With using the inline
, descriptor
or descriptorRef
it is possible to bring local files, artifacts and dependencies into
the running Docker container. A descriptor
points to a file
describing the data to put into an image to build. It has the same
format as for creating assemblies with the
maven-assembly-plugin with following exceptions:
are ignored, the assembly will allways use a directory when preparing the data container (i.e. the format is fixed todir
) -
is ignored since only a single assembly descriptor is used (no need to distinguish multiple descriptors)
Also you can inline the assembly description with a inline
directly into the pom file. Adding the proper namespace even allows for
IDE autocompletion. As an example, refer to the profile inline
the data-jolokia-demo
's pom.xml.
Alternatively descriptorRef
can be used with the name of a
predefined assembly descriptor. The following symbolic names can be
used for descriptorRef
Assembly Reference | Description |
artifact-with-dependencies |
Attaches project’s artifact and all its dependencies. Also, when a |
artifact |
Attaches only the project’s artifact but no dependencies. |
dependencies |
Attaches only the project’s dependencies. Also, when a |
release-dependencies |
Attaches only the project’s released (non-snapshot) dependencies. |
snapshot-dependencies |
Attaches only the project’s snapshot dependencies. |
project |
Attaches the whole Maven project but without the |
rootWar |
Copies the artifact as |
will add the created artifact with the name ${project.build.finalName}.${artifact.extension}
and all jar dependencies in the targetDir
(which is /maven
by default).
All declared files end up in the configured targetDir
(or /maven
by default) in the created image.
will create three layers:
Release dependencies (in jar format) added to /work/lib
Snapshot dependencies (in jar format) added to /work/lib
The created artifact with the name
added to /work
If the assembly references the artifact to build with this pom, it is required that the package
phase is included in the run. Otherwise the artifact file, can’t be found by docker:build
. This is an old outstanding issue of the assembly plugin which probably can’t be fixed because of the way how Maven works. We tried hard to workaround this issue and in 90% of all cases, you won’t experience any problem. However, when the following warning happens which might lead to the given error:
[WARNING] Cannot include project artifact: io.fabric8:helloworld:jar:0.20.0; it doesn't have an associated file or directory.
[WARNING] The following patterns were never triggered in this artifact inclusion filter:
o 'io.fabric8:helloworld'
[ERROR] DOCKER> Failed to create assembly for docker image (with mode 'dir'): Error creating assembly archive docker: You must set at least one file.
then you have two options to fix this:
mvn package docker:build
to explicitly run "package" and "docker:build" in a chain. -
to an to an execution phase in the plugin’s definition. By defaultdocker:build
will bind to theinstall
phase is set in an execution. Then you can use a plainmvn install
for building the artifact and creating the image.
In the following example a dependency from the pom.xml is included and
mapped to the name jolokia.war
. With this configuration you will end
up with an image, based on busybox
which has a directory /maven
containing a single file jolokia.war
. This volume is also exported
Another container can now connect to the volume an 'mount' the
directory. A container from consol/tomcat-7.0
will look
into /maven
and copy over everything to /opt/tomcat/webapps
starting Tomcat.
If you are using the artifact
or artifact-with-dependencies
descriptor, it is
possible to change the name of the final build artifact with the following:
Please note, based upon the following documentation listed here, there is no guarantee the plugin creating your artifact will honor it in which case you will need to use a custom descriptor like above to achieve the desired naming.
Currently the jar
and war
plugins properly honor the usage of finalName
5.1.3. Startup Arguments
Using entrypoint
and cmd
it is possible to specify the entry point
or cmd for a container.
The difference is, that an entrypoint
is the command that always be executed, with the cmd
as argument. If no entrypoint
is provided, it defaults to /bin/sh -c
so any cmd
given is executed with a shell. The arguments given to docker run
are always given as arguments to the
, overriding any given cmd
option. On the other hand if no extra arguments are given to docker run
the default cmd
is used as argument to entrypoint
An entry point or command can be specified in two alternative formats:
Mode | Description |
shell |
Shell form in which the whole line is given to |
exec |
List of arguments (with inner |
Either shell or params should be specified.
<!-- shell form -->
<shell>java -jar $HOME/server.jar</shell>
<!-- exec form -->
This can be formulated also more dense with:
<!-- shell form -->
<entryPoint>java -jar $HOME/server.jar</entryPoint>
<!-- exec form -->
5.1.4. Build Args
As described in section Configuration for external Dockerfiles Docker build arg can be used. In addition to the configuration within the plugin configuration you can also use properties to specify them:
Set a system property when running Maven, eg.:
. This is especially useful when using predefined Docker arguments for setting proxies transparently. -
Set a project property within the
, eg.:
Please note that the system property setting will always override the project property. Also note that for all properties which are not Docker predefined properties, the external Dockerfile must contain an ARGS
5.1.5. Healthcheck
Healthchecks has been introduced since Docker 1.12 and are a way to tell Docker how to test a container to check that it’s still working. With a health check you specify a command which is periodically executed and checked for its return value. If the healtcheck return with an exit 0 the container is considered to be healthy, if it returns with 1 then the container is not working correctly.
The healtcheck configuration can have the following options
Element | Description |
cmd |
Command to execute, which can be given in an shell or exec format as described in Startup Arguments. |
interval |
Interval for how often to run the healthcheck. The time is specified in seconds, but a time unit can be appended to change this. |
mode |
Mode of the healthcheck. This can be |
retries |
How many retries should be performed before the container is to be considered unhealthy. |
startPeriod |
Initialization time for containers that need time to bootstrap. Probe failure during that period will not be counted towards the maximum number of retries. However, if a health check succeeds during the start period, the container is considered started and all consecutive failures will be counted towards the maximum number of retries. Given in seconds, but another time unit can be appended. |
timeout |
Timeout after which healthckeck should be stopped and considered to have failed. Given in seconds, but another time unit can be appended. |
The following example queries an URL every 10s as an healthcheck:
<!-- Check every 5 minutes -->
<!-- Fail if no response after 3 seconds -->
<!-- Allow 30 minutes for the container to start before being flagged as unhealthy -->
<!-- Fail 3 times until the container is considerd unhealthy -->
<!-- Command to execute in shell form -->
<cmd>curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1</cmd>
5.1.6. Multi-Architecture Build
Buildx is enabled when there is a non-empty <platform>
element inside the <buildx>
The local image cache cannot hold multi-architecture images nor can it have two platform specific images of the same name.
Thus the build
goal will build and save a single-architecture image to the local image cache if possible:
If the
element contains a single platform, that image will be built. -
If the
element contains more than one platform including the native platform, the native platform be used. -
If the
element contains more than one platform not including the native platform, no image will be built.
These rules only apply to the image built and loaded into the local image cache with the build
goal. They do not apply to the
goal which will always build and push either a single-architecture or multi-architecture image with whatever platforms
are specified in the <platform>
The recommended <buildx>
configuration is to specify all supported platforms, including the native platform, in the
element. This allows local integration testing of the build image from the local cache. During install or deploy
phase, the build machine will build and push a multi-architecture image containing all specified platforms to the registry.
Any downstream consumers, regardless of native architecture, will be able to use the multi-architecture image.
The <buildx>
element within <build>
defines how to build multi-architecture images.
Element | Description |
builderName |
Name of builder to use with buildx. If not supplied, the builder is named |
driverOpts |
Optional list of driverOpts to use with the builder. The driverOpts are passed to the builder when it is created. |
nodeName |
Specify the name of the node to be created or modified. |
configFile |
Configuration file for builder. Non-absolute files are relative to the maven project directory. If configFile starts with
dockerStateDir |
State directory for docker builder. This directory holds docker builder configurations and context state. Sharing a state
directory across builds will share the cache and will decrease pull times.
Non-absolute files are relative to the maven project directory. If dockerConfigDir starts with |
platforms |
A list of |
attestations |
The configuration of attestation modes. The |
cacheFrom |
A value to be passed through to the |
cacheTo |
A value to be passed through to the |
secret |
Two Maps, under |
The recommended configuration is setting a top level property with the list of platforms to build.
Then in the image configuration, use the following;
<!-- add other configuration ... -->
You can now override the built platforms using a command line define:
mvn clean deploy -Ddocker.platforms=linux/amd64,linux/arm64
5.2. docker:start
This goal creates and starts docker containers. This goal evaluates the configuration’s <run>
section of all given (and enabled images).
Also you can specify docker.follow
as system property so that the docker:start
will never return but block until CTRL-C is pressed. That is similar to the option -i
for docker run
. This will automatically switch on showLogs
so that you can see what is happening within the container. Also, after stopping with CTRL-C, the container is stopped (but not removed so that you can make postmortem analysis). docker:run
is an alias for docker:start
with docker.follow
By default container specific properties are exposed as Maven properties. These properties have the format docker.container.<alias>.<prop>
where <alias>
is the name of the container (see below) and <prop>
is one of the following container properties:
Property | Description |
ip |
Internal IP address of the container. |
id |
Container id |
net.<network>.ip |
Internal IP address of the container in the specified custom network. This works only for custom networks. |
Instead of the <alias>
a fixed property key can be configured in the image’s <run> configuration with the option exposedPropertyKey
For example the Maven property docker.container.tomcat.ip
would hold the Docker internal IP for a container with an alias "tomcat". You can set the global configuration exposeContainerInfo to an empty string to not expose container information that way or to a string for an other prefix than docker.container
5.2.1. Configuration
In addition to the Global configuration, this goal supports the following global configuration options.
Element | Description | Property |
Default pattern for naming all containers when they are created. See Container Names for details. |
showLogs |
In order to switch on globally the logs showLogs can be used as global configuration (i.e. outside of |
startParallel |
Starts docker images in parallel while dependencies expressed as Link or dependsOn are respected. This option can significantly reduce the startup time because independent containers do not need to wait for each other. |
The <run>
configuration element knows the following sub elements:
Element | Description |
autoRemove |
If |
capAdd |
List of |
capDrop |
List of |
sysctls |
Map of namespaced kernel parameters (sysctls) to set in the container. |
Command which should be executed at the end of the container’s startup. If not given, the image’s default command is used. See Startup Arguments for details. |
Pattern for naming the container when it is created. See Container Naming Strategy for details. |
domainname |
Domain name for the container |
dns |
List of |
dnsSearch |
List of |
entrypoint |
Entry point for the container. See Startup Arguments for details. |
Environment variables as subelements which are set during startup of the container. They are specified in the typical maven property format as described Environment and Labels. |
envPropertyFile |
Path to a property file holding environment variables. If given, the variables specified in this property file overrides the environment variables specified in the configuration. |
extraHosts |
List of |
exposedPropertyKey |
Set the property part for the exposed container properties as described above. This will take precedence of the image’s |
hostname |
Hostname of the container |
imagePullPolicy |
Specific pull policy for downloading the image. This overwrites any global pull policy. See the global imagePullPolicy configuration option for the possible values and the default. |
Labels which should be attached to the container. They are specified in the typical maven property format as described in Environment and Labels. |
Network links for connecting containers together as described in Network Links. |
Log configuration for whether and how log messages from the running containers should be printed. This also can configure the log driver to use. See Logging for a detailed description. |
This option sets container’s isolation technology. See Isolation for a detailed description. |
memory |
Memory limit in bytes. |
memorySwap |
Total memory limit (memory + swap) in bytes. Set |
namingStrategy |
This option is deprecated, please use a
Network configuration for your container. |
File path into which the mapped port properties are written. The format of this file and its purpose are also described in Port mapping |
Port mappings for exposing container ports to host ports. |
platform |
Specify an explicit platform to use when starting a docker container. May be set with property |
privileged |
If |
readOnly |
If |
Restart Policy |
securityOpts |
List of |
shmSize |
Size of |
skip |
If |
stopMode |
Specifies how to stop a running container. It supports the modes |
tmpfs |
List countaintin |
ulimits |
ulimits for the container. This list contains
See below for an example. |
user |
User used inside the container |
Volume configuration for binding to host directories and from other containers. See Volumes for details. |
Condition which must be fulfilled for the startup to complete. See Wait for all possible ways to wait for a startup condition. |
workingDir |
Working directory for commands to run in |
<cmd>java -jar /maven/docker-demo.jar</cmd>
5.2.2. Environment and Labels
When creating a container one or more environment variables can be set via configuration with the env
If you put this configuration into profiles you can easily create various test variants with a single image (e.g. by switching the JDK or whatever).
It is also possible to set the environment variables from the outside of the plugin’s configuration with the parameter envPropertyFile
. If given, this property file is used to set the environment variables where the keys and values specify the environment variable. Environment variables specified in this file override any environment variables specified in the configuration.
Labels can be set inline the same way as environment variables:
5.2.3. Port Mapping
The <ports>
configuration contains a list of port mappings. Whitespace is trimmed from each element and empty elements are ignored. Each mapping has multiple parts, each separate by a colon. This is equivalent to the port mapping when using the Docker CLI with option -p
A port
stanza may take one of the following forms:
Format | Description |
18080:8080 |
Tuple consisting of two numeric values separated by a |
host.port:80 |
Tuple consisting of a string and a numeric value separated by a |
bindTo:host.port:80 |
Tuple consisting of two strings and a numeric value separated by a |
+host.ip:host.port:80 |
Tuple consisting of two strings and a numeric value separated by a |
By default TCP is used as protocol but you can also use UDP by appending '/udp' to the port number.
The following are examples of valid configuration entries:
Another useful configuration option is portPropertyFile
which can be used to write out the container’s host ip and any dynamic ports that have been resolved. The keys of this property file are the property names defined in the port mapping configuration and their values those of the corresponding docker attributes.
This property file might be useful with tests or with other maven plugins that will be unable to use the resolved properties because they can only be updated after the container has started and plugins resolve their properties in an earlier lifecycle phase.
If you don’t need to write out such a property file and thus don’t need to preserve the property names, you can use normal maven properties as well. E.g. ${host.var}:${port.var}:8080
instead of
5.2.4. Links
The <links>
configuration contains a list of containers that should
be linked to this container according to Docker Links. Each link can have two parts where the optional right side is separated by a :
and will be used as the name in the environment variables and the left side refers to the name of the container linking to. This is equivalent to the linking when using the Docker CLI --link
Example for linking to a container with name or alias postgres :
This will create the following environment variables, given that the postgres image exposes TCP port 5432:
Additionally, each <link>
element can specify a comma separated set of links. Comma (and whitespace) can be used to separate links since valid docker link names/aliases contain only characters, digits, underscores, periods and dashes.
<link>postgres:db, search, saml:identity</link>
If you wish to link to existing containers not managed by the plugin, you may do so by specifying the container name obtained via docker ps
in the configuration.
Please note that the link behaviour also depends on the network mode selected. Links as described are referred to by Docker as legacy links and might vanish in the future. For custom networks no environments variables are set and links create merely network aliases for the linked container. To express start order dependencies using custom networks refer to the dependsOn configuration.
For a more detailed documentation for the new link handling please refer to the Docker network documentation
5.2.5. Network
The <network>
element in the <run> configuration section can be used to configure the network mode of the container. This is now the preferred way for linking containers together. It knows the following sub elements:
Element | Description |
mode |
The network mode, which can be one of the following values:
name |
For mode |
alias |
One or more alias element can be provided which gives a way for a container to be discovered by alternate names by any other container within the scope of a particular network. This configuration only has effect for when the network mode is |
If no mode
is given but a name
, then a custom
network mode is assumed. For the simple modes which does not take an argument (none
, bridge
or host
) a single <net>
mode </net>
can be used as alternative to using <network>
with a <mode>
or for a simple host
5.2.6. Depends-On
Custom networks do not provide a mechanism like <links>
to express strong links between containers. They are normally not required because docker ensures that all containers within the same custom network can eventually resolve each other via DNS.
Your containers should preferably be able to deal with temporarily unresolvable dependencies but in some cases it is helpful to be able to rely the availability of other infrastructure containers.
The <dependsOn>
configuration can be used to expresses custom network dependencies between your containers. docker:start
will ensure that all dependencies a container depends on are completely started (fulfilling all <wait>
conditions) before the depending container is started.
Additionally, each <container>
element can specify a comma separated set of containers. Comma (and whitespace) can be used to separate containers since valid docker container names contain only characters, digits, underscores, periods and dashes.
<!-- .... -->
5.2.7. Restart Policy
Specify the behavior to apply when the container exits. These values can be specified withing a <restartPolicy>
section with the following sub-elements:
Element | Description |
name |
Restart policy name, choose from:
retry |
If |
The behavior to apply when the container exits. The value is an object with a name property of either "always" to always restart or "on-failure" to restart only when the container exit code is non-zero. If on-failure is used, MaximumRetryCount controls the number of times to retry before giving up. The default is not to restart. (optional)
5.2.8. Volumes
A container can bind (or "mount") volumes from various source when starting up: Either from a directory of the host system or from another container which exports one or more directories. The mount configuration is specified within a <volumes>
section of the run configuration. It can contain the following sub elements:
Element | Description |
from |
List of |
bind |
List of |
In this example the container creates a new volume named /logs
on the container and mounts /opt/host_export
from the host as /opt/container_import
on the container. In addition all exported volumes from the container which has been created from the image jolokia/docker-demo
are mounted directly into the container (with the same directory names under which the exporting container exposes these directories). This image must be also configured for this plugin. Instead of the full image name, an alias name can be used, too.
If a volume name instead of a path is referenced to in <bind>
and a volume configuration exists with this name, then this this volume is created upfront with the provided options instead of using default options.
You can use Maven variables in the path specifications. This should even work for boot2docker and docker-machine:
You can also use relative paths. Relative paths are interpreted relative to the Maven project base directory. Paths
that begin with ~
are interpreted relative to the JVM’s HOME
or user.home
If you wish to mount volumes from an existing container not managed by the plugin, you may do by specifying the container name obtained via docker ps
in the configuration.
5.2.9. Wait
While starting a container is it possible to block the execution until
some condition is met. These conditions can be specified within a
section which the following sub-elements:
Element | Description |
http |
HTTP ping check which periodically polls an URL. It knows the following sub-elements:
log |
Regular expression which is applied against the log
output of an container and blocks until the pattern is matched. You can use |
time |
Time in milliseconds to block. |
kill |
Time in milliseconds between sending |
shutdown |
Time to wait in milliseconds between stopping a container and removing it. This might be helpful in situation where a Docker croaks with an error when trying to remove a container to fast after it has been stopped. |
exec |
Commands to execute during specified lifecycle of the container. It knows the following sub-elements:
tcp |
TCP port check which periodically polls given tcp ports. It knows the following sub-elements:
healthy |
Check that waits until the container health state becomes This behaviour mimics the docker compose dependsOn |
exit |
Check that waits until a container finishes with the given exit code. |
As soon as one condition is met the build continues. If you add a <time>
constraint this works more or less as a timeout for other conditions. The build will abort if you wait on an url or log output and reach the timeout. If only a <time>
is specified, the build will wait that amount of milliseconds and then continues.
This setup will wait for the given URL to be reachable but ten seconds at most. Additionally, it will wait for the TCP ports 3306 and 9999. Also, when stopping the container after integration tests, the build wait for 500 ms before it tries to remove the container (if not keepContainer
or keepRunning
is used). You can use maven properties in each condition, too. In the example, the ${host.port}
property is probably set before within a port mapping section.
The property ${docker.host.address}
is set implicitly to the address of the Docker host. This host will be taken from the docker.host
configuration if HTTP or HTTPS is used. If a Unix socket is used for communication with the docker daemon, then localhost
is assumed. You can override this property always by setting this Maven property explicitly.
5.2.10. Logging
When running containers the standard output and standard error of the container can be printed out. Several options are available for configuring the log output:
Element | Description |
enabled |
If set to |
prefix |
Prefix to use for the log output in order to identify the container. You can use placeholders in the prefix which are replaced on the fly:
By default the format is "%a> ". |
date |
Dateformat to use for log timestamps. If
As an alternative a date-time format string as recognized by
java.time is possible. In order to set a consistent date format, the global configuration parameter |
color |
Color used for coloring the prefix when coloring is enabled (i.e. if running in a console and |
file |
Path to a file to which the log output is written. This file is overwritten for every run and colors are switched off. |
driver |
Section which can specify a dedicated log driver to use. A |
The following example switches on the gelf
logging driver .
This is equivalent to the options --log-driver=gelf --log-opt gelf-address=udp://localhost:12201
when using docker run
5.2.11. Isolation
Specify isolation technology for container
The following configuration option under <run> session is equivalent of --isolation <value>
when running a docker container
This option is useful in situations where you are running Docker containers on Windows. The --isolation <value> option sets a container’s isolation technology. On Linux, the only supported is the default option which uses Linux namespaces.
Value | Description |
default |
Use the value specified by the Docker daemon’s --exec-opt or system default (see below). |
process |
Shared-kernel namespace isolation (not supported on Windows client operating systems older than Windows 10 1809). |
hyperv |
Hyper-V hypervisor partition-based isolation. |
The default isolation on Windows server operating systems is process. The default isolation on Windows client operating systems is hyperv. An attempt to start a container on a client operating system older than Windows 10 1809 with --isolation process will fail.
See isolation technology for container for a detailed description.
5.3. docker:stop
Stops and removes a docker container. This goal stops every container started with <docker:start>
either during the same build (e.g. when bound to lifecycle phases when doing integration tests) or for containers created by a previous call to <docker:start>
If called within the same build run, only the containers that were explicitly started during the run will be stopped. Existing containers started using docker:start
for the project will not be affected.
If called as a separate invocation, the plugin will stop and remove any container it finds whose image is defined in the project’s configuration. Any existing containers found running whose image name matches but were not started by the plugin will not be affected.
In case the naming strategy for an image is alias
(i.e. the container name is set to the given alias), then only the container with this alias is stopped. Other containers originating from the same image are not touched.
It should be noted that any containers created prior to version 0.13.7
of the plugin may not be stopped correctly by the plugin because the label needed to tie the container to the project may not exist. Should this happen, you will need to use the Docker CLI to clean up the containers and/or use the docker.allContainers
option listed below.
For tuning what should happen when stopping there are four global parameters which are typically used as system properties:
, keepContainer
, keepRunning
and removeVolumes
Element | Description | Parameter |
allContainers |
Stops and removes any container that matches an image defined in the current project’s configuration. This was the default behavior of the plugin prior up to version 0.13.6 |
Default pattern that docker:start uses for naming containers when they are created. See Container Names for details. This should match the setting for docker:start goals if the goals are configured in separate executions. |
keepContainer |
If set to |
keepRunning |
If set to |
removeVolumes |
If set to |
stopNamePattern |
If a list of name patterns is provided, any containers matching the patterns will be stopped and
removed (depending on the values of |
executeStopOnVMShutdown |
If Defaults to |
$ mvn -Ddocker.keepRunning clean install
5.4. docker:push
This goal uploads images to the registry which have a <build>
configuration section. The images to push can be restricted with
the global option filter
(see Global Configuration for details). The registry to push is by default docker.io
but can be specified as part of the images’s name
name the Docker way. E.g. docker.test.org:5000/data:1.5
will push the image data
with tag 1.5
to the registry docker.test.org
at port 5000
. Security information (i.e. user and password) can be specified in multiple ways as described in section Authentication.
By default a progress meter is printed out on the console, which is omitted when using Maven in batch mode (option -B
). A very simplified progress meter is provided when using no color output (i.e. with -Ddocker.useColor=false
Element | Description | Property |
skipPush |
If set to |
skipTag |
If set to |
pushRegistry |
The registry to use when pushing the image. See Registry Handling for more details. |
retries |
How often should a push be retried before giving up. This useful for flaky registries which tend to return 500 error codes from time to time. The default is 0 which means no retry at all. |
5.5. docker:watch
When developing and testing applications you will often have to rebuild Docker images and restart containers. Typing docker:build
and docker:start
all the time is cumbersome. With docker:watch
you can enable automatic rebuilding of images and restarting of containers in case of updates.
is the top-level goal which performs these tasks. There are two watch modes, which can be specified in multiple ways:
: Automatically rebuild one or more Docker images when one of the files selected by an assembly changes. This works for all files included directly inassembly.xml
but also for arbitrary dependencies.
$ mvn package docker:build docker:watch -Ddocker.watchMode=build
This mode works only when there is a <build>
section in an image configuration. Otherwise no automatically build will be triggered for an image with only a <run>
section. Note that you need the package
phase to be executed before otherwise any artifact created by this build can not be included into the assembly. As described in the section about docker:start
this is a Maven limitation.
* run
: Automatically restart container when their associated images changes. This is useful if you pull a new version of an image externally or especially in combination with the build
mode to restart containers when their image has been automatically rebuilt. This mode works reliably only when used together with docker:start
$ mvn docker:start docker:watch -Ddocker.watchMode=run
: Enables bothbuild
. This is the default. -
: Image is completely ignored for watching. -
: Copy changed files into the running container. This is the fast way to update a container, however the target container must support hot deploy, too so that it makes sense. Most application servers like Tomcat supports this.
The mode can also be both
or none
to select both or none of these variants, respectively. The default is both
will run forever until it is interrupted with CTRL-C
after which it will stop all containers. Depending on the configuration parameters keepContainer
and removeVolumes
the stopped containers with their volumes will be removed, too.
When an image is removed while watching it, error messages will be printed out periodically. So don’t do that ;-)
Dynamically assigned ports stay stable in that they won’t change after a container has been stopped and a new container is created and started. The new container will try to allocate the same ports as the previous container.
If containers are linked together network or volume wise, and you update a container which other containers dependent on, the dependant containers are not restarted for now. E.g. when you have a "service" container accessing a "db" container and the "db" container is updated, then you "service" container will fail until it is restarted, too.
This maven goal can be configured with the following top-level parameters:
Element | Description | Property |
Default pattern for naming all containers when they are created. See Container Names for details. |
keepContainer |
As for |
keepRunning |
If set to |
removeVolumes |
if set to |
watchInterval |
Interval in milliseconds how often to check for changes, which must be larger than 100ms. The default is 5 seconds. |
watchMode |
Watch mode specifies what should be watched
watchPostExec |
A command which is executed within the container after files are copied into this container when |
watchPostGoal |
A maven goal which should be called if a rebuild or a restart has been performed. This goal must have the format |
Image specific watch configuration goes into an extra image-level <watch>
section (i.e. <image><watch>...</watch></image>
). The following parameters are recognized:
Element | Description |
mode |
Each image can be configured for having individual watch mode. These take precedence of the global watch mode. The mode specified in this configuration takes precedence over the globally specified mode. |
interval |
Watch interval can be specified in milliseconds on image level. If given this will override the global watch interval. |
postGoal |
Post Maven plugin goal after a rebuild or restart. The value here must have the format |
postExec |
Command to execute after files are copied into a
running container when |
Here is an example how the watch mode can be tuned:
<!-- Check every 10 seconds by default -->
<!-- Watch for doing rebuilds and restarts -->
<!-- Service checks every 5 seconds -->
<!-- Database needs no watching -->
Given this configuration
mvn package docker:build docker:start docker:watch
You can build the service image, start up all containers and go into a watch loop. Again, you need the package
phase in order that the assembly can find the artifact build by this project. This is a Maven limitation. The db
image will never be watch since it assumed to not change while watching.
5.6. docker:remove
This goal can be used to clean up images. By default all images with a build configuration are removed.
You can tune this by setting the property removeMode
(property: docker.removeMode
) to one of the following values:
Value | Description |
All images with a build configuration |
All images without a build configuration |
All configured images |
All data images, which are images without a run configuration. |
Previously, this could be tuned also by providing the property removeAll
which indicates to remove all images managed by this build. Otherwise only data images were delete before 0.24.0. removeAll
is deprecated and will be removed soone. Please use removeMode
As with the other goals, the configuration image
can be used to tune the images to remove. All containers belonging to the images are removed as well as the all tags assigned to this image
Considering three images 'db','tomcat' and 'data' where 'data' is the only image with a build configuration:
mvn docker:remove
will remove 'data' -
mvn -Ddocker.removeMode=all docker:remove
will remove all three images -
mvn -Ddocker.filter=data,tomcat docker:remove
will remove 'data' -
mvn -Ddocker.filter=data,tomcat -Ddocker.removeMode=all docker:remove
will remove 'data' and 'tomcat'
Element | Description | Property |
skipTag |
If set to |
removeNamePattern |
If a list of name patterns is provided, any images matching the patterns will be removed, independently of whether there is an image configuration marked for removal. |
5.7. docker:logs
With this goal it is possible to print out the logs of containers started from images configured in this plugin. By default only the latest container started is printed, but this can be changed with a property. The format of the log output is influenced by run configuration of the configured images. The following system properties can the behaviour of this goal:
Property | Description |
docker.logAll |
If set to |
docker.follow |
If given will wait for subsequent log output until CRTL-C is pressed. This is similar to the behaviour of |
docker.filter |
Filter to restrict the set of images for which log should be fetched. This can be a comma separated list of image or alias names. |
docker.logDate |
Date format to use. See "Logging" for available formats. |
$ mvn docker:logs -Ddocker.follow -Ddocker.logDate=DEFAULT
5.8. docker:copy
This goal copies files and directories from a container. When called, then all images which are configured in the project and having copy element in the image configuration are iterated.
In addition to the Global configuration, this goal supports the following configuration options:
Element | Description | Property |
createContainers |
Whether to create temporary containers or to copy from existing containers. If If
Temporary containers are created and removed or existing containers are examined in the order of image configurations. Defaults to |
pullRegistry |
The registry used for pulling image when creating temporary container and imagePullPolicy allows or requires pulling respective image.
Ignored if |
containerNamePattern |
Naming pattern for how to name containers when created. Ignored if Defaults to default container naming pattern ( |
copyAll |
Whether to copy from all matching containers or only from the newest ones. Ignored if Defaults to |
The copy
image configuration element is honored by the goal and has the following sub elements:
Element | Description |
entries |
List of items to copy from a container. Each item is wrapped with Optional, i.e. can be omitted or can have an empty list of items. |
Each item in the entries
list of copy
element consists of the following sub elements:
Element | Description |
containerPath |
Path to a container file or a container directory, which needs to be copied. If the path is not absolute, then it is considered relative to the container working directory. |
hostDirectory |
Path to a host directory where a copied file or a copied directory needs to be placed.
"host" means the machine where the If the path is not absolute, then it is considered relative to the maven project base directory.
If a container directory is copied, then a directory with the same name is created under the path defined by Optional. If omitted then project base directory is used. |
<!-- ..... -->
<!-- ..... -->
<!-- Copy this file first -->
<!-- The container file to copy -->
Absolute path.
${project.build.directory}/hosts file will be created as a result of copying
and the content of container /etc/hosts file will be placed there.
<!-- Copy this directory second -->
<!-- The container directory to copy -->
Relative bath based on project.basedir.
${project.basedir}/target/dev directory will be created as a result of copying
and the content of container /dev directory will be placed there.
5.9. docker:source
The docker:source
target can be used to attach a docker build archive containing the Dockerfile and all added files to the Maven project with a certain classifier. It reuses the configuration from docker:build.
By default, only the first image configuration is used for creating the source archive.
You can export all image configurations by setting the sourceMode
configuration to all
<!-- source mode can be "first" or "all" -->
<!-- .... -->
For exporting all image configurations, docker:source
uses the image’s alias as part of the classifier, so it is mandatory that the alias is set for
this goal to work when all images should be exported this way.
The classifier is calculated as docker-<alias>
so when the alias is set to service
, then the classifier is docker-service
If you only export the first image configuration (which is the default), then the classifier is just docker
(without alias).
can be attached to a Maven execution phase, which is generate-sources
by default.
For example, this configuration will attach the docker build archive to the artifacts to store in the repository:
<!-- ..... -->
If not bound to an execution phase, docker:source
requires that the artifact has been created so you call it best together with package
5.10. docker:save
The docker:save
target saves an image defined in the build configuration to a local file, analogous to docker save
If the option saveFile
is not set, the file name is calculated automatically:
is used then the file is stored astarget/<alias>-<project version>.tar.gz
Otherwise the archive is stored as
target/<image name without registry and user part>-<image tag>.tar.gz
Please note that the exported image contains all image layers and can be quite large (also, it takes a bit to export the image).
The file name extension is used to select a compression method for the output.
Extensions | Compression | Type |
.tar or unrecognized |
No compression |
.tar |
.tar.gz, .tgz |
GZIP compression |
.tar.gz |
.tar.bz, .tar.bz2, .tar.bzip2 |
BZIP2 compression |
.tar.bz |
If saveClassifier
is set, the saved archive will be attached to the project using the provided classifier and the type determined from the file name. The placeholder %a
will be replaced with the image alias.
Note that using overriding the default to use docker
or docker-%a
may lead to a conflict if a source archive is also attached with docker:source.
Element | Description | Property |
saveName |
The name of the image configuration to save. Must not be used together with |
saveAlias |
The alias of the image configuration to save. Must not be used together with |
saveFile |
The filename to save. |
saveClassifier |
If set, attach the the saved archive to the project with the provided classifier. A placeholder of |
skipSave |
A boolean flag whether to skip execution of the goal. |
5.11. docker:tag
The docker:tag
tags an image so that it becomes part of a repository. You can use it to tag an already built image. Here is an example of it’s usage:
~/work/repos/docker-maven-plugin/samples/zero-config : $ mvn docker:tag -Ddocker.image.tag=0.9.0
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -----------< io.fabric8.dmp.samples:demp-sample-zero-config >-----------
[INFO] Building demp-sample-zero-config
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- docker-maven-plugin:dmpversion:tag (default-cli) @ demp-sample-zero-config ---
[INFO] DOCKER> Tagging image samples/demp-sample-zero-config:0.9.0 successful!
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1.155 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-06-27T14:05:33+05:30
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
~/work/repos/docker-maven-plugin/samples/zero-config : $ docker images | grep 0.9.0
samples/demp-sample-zero-config 0.9.0 ac5c5991505d About an hour ago 479MB
Element | Description | Property |
tagName |
The name of the new tag. |
repo |
The repository to tag in. For example, |
5.12. docker:volume-create
This goals creates one or more standalone Docker volume, which can be referenced in a docker:start configuration for linking to a volume during runtime. Each volume has therefore a unique and referenceable name. Beside the volume driver and driver options can be specified.
The following options are available when creating volumes:
Element | Description |
name |
Name of the volume |
driver |
Volume driver to use. By default the driver |
opts |
Driver specific options passed in as custom |
labels |
Labels given as |
5.13. docker:volume-remove
This goals is the counterpart to docker:volume-create and removes a volume. Docker volumes are configured outside of Docker images, but can be referenced by them. The configuration is the same as for docker:volume-create
The configuration is quite simple. Only the name of the volume to delete is required.
Element | Description |
name |
Name of the volume |
6. External Configuration
For special configuration needs, there is the possibility to get the
runtime and build configuration from places outside the plugin’s
configuration. This is done with the help of <external>
configuration sections which at least has a <type>
subelement. This
element selects a specific so called "handler" which is
responsible for creating the full image configuration. A handler can
decide to use the <run>
and <build>
configuration which could
be provided in addition to this <external>
section or it can decide
to completely ignore any extra configuration option.
A handler can also decide to expand this single image configuration to
a list of image configurations. The image configurations resulting
from such a external configuration are added to the regular
configurations without an <external>
The available handlers are described in the following.
6.1. Properties
For simple needs the image configuration can be completely defined via
Maven properties which are defined outside of this plugin’s
configuration. Such a property based configuration can be selected
with an <type>
of properties
. As extra configuration a prefix for the
properties can be defined which by default is docker
For single-image configurations it is also possible to active property based configuration via an externally set property.
By default, property based configuration uses only properties, ignoring
any <build>
and <run>
sections. To combine values from both sources,
use the property mode configuration.
Properties are read from the Maven project (defined in <properties>
or global
Maven configuration from settings.xml
) and, since 0.25.0, from any -D
flags given to Maven (takes priority over project properties).
<prefix>docker</prefix> <!-- this is the default -->
<mode>only</mode> <!-- this is the default -->
Given this example configuration a single image configuration is built
up from the following properties, which correspond to the corresponding
values in the <build>
and <run>
sections. A build configuration is only created
when a docker.from
or a docker.fromExt
is set.
docker.alias |
Alias name |
docker.args.BUILDVAR |
Set the value of a build variable. The syntax is the same as for specifying environment variables (see below). |
docker.assembly.baseDir |
Directory name for the exported artifacts as described in an assembly (which is |
docker.assembly.descriptor |
Path to the assembly descriptor when building an image |
docker.assembly.descriptorRef |
Name of a predefined assembly to use. |
docker.assembly.exportBaseDir |
If |
docker.assembly.ignorePermissions |
If set to |
docker.assembly.permissions |
can be |
docker.assembly.dockerFileDir |
specifies a directory containing an external Dockerfile that will be used to create the image. This is deprecated please use |
docker.noCache |
Don’t use Docker’s build cache. This can be overwritten by setting a system property |
docker.bind.idx |
Sets a list of paths to bind/expose in the container. See List Properties. |
docker.build.network |
Set the networking mode for the RUN instructions during build |
docker.buildArg.VARIABLE |
Set a ARG to be available during build of image. Note: this is handled separately from external configuration, and is always available. See Build Args for more details. |
docker.buildx.builderName |
Name of buildx builder |
docker.buildx.cache |
Location of image cache |
docker.buildx.configFile |
Configuration file for buildx builder |
docker.buildx.platform |
Platform for multi-architecture image |
docker.buildx.cacheFrom |
Cache source for buildx builder |
docker.buildx.cacheTo |
Cache destination for buildx builder |
docker.capAdd.idx |
List of kernel capabilities to add to the container. See List Properties. |
docker.capDrop.idx |
List of kernel capabilities to remove from the container. See List Properties. |
docker.sysctls.KEY |
Sets a namespaced kernel parameter (sysctl) in the container. |
docker.cleanup |
Cleanup dangling (untagged) images after each build, including any stopped containers created from them. Also cleanup dangling images as a result of image tagging, auto-pulling a base image, or auto-pulling a cacheFrom image. Default is |
docker.cmd |
Command to execute. This is used both when running a container and as default command when creating an image. |
docker.copy.entries.idx.containerPath |
docker.copy.entries.idx.hostDirectory |
docker.copyNamePattern |
Set copyNamePattern of image configuration. |
docker.cpus |
Specify how much of the available CPU resources a container can use |
docker.cpuset |
Limit the container to specific CPUs or cores. This can be provided either as a comma-separated list or a hyphen-separated range. |
docker.cpushares |
Set the proportion of the host machine’s cpu cycles available to the container |
docker.cacheFrom.idx |
Defines a list of image names to use as cache sources. See List Properties. |
docker.domainname |
Container domain name |
docker.dns.idx |
List of dns servers to use. See List Properties. |
docker.dnsSearch.idx |
List of dns search domains. See List Properties. |
docker.dockerArchive |
specify an archive which can be loaded with |
docker.dockerFile |
specifies a Dockerfile to use. This property must point to the Dockerfile itself. |
docker.dockerFileDir |
specifies a directory containing an external dockerfile that will be used to create the image. The dockerfile must be name |
docker.entrypoint |
Container entry point |
docker.exposedPropertyKey |
Property part for the exposed container properties like internal IP addresses as described in docker:start. |
docker.env.VARIABLE |
Sets an environment variable used in build and run. E.g. |
docker.envBuild.VARIABLE |
Sets an environment variable used in build only. E.g. |
docker.envRun.VARIABLE |
Sets an environment variable used in run only. E.g. |
docker.envPropertyFile |
specifies the path to a property file whose properties are used as environment variables in run. The environment variables takes precedence over any other environment variables specified. |
docker.extraHosts.idx |
List of |
docker.filter |
Enable and set the delimiters for property replacements. By default properties in the format |
docker.from |
Base image for building an image. Must be set when an image is created (or |
docker.fromExt.VARIABLE |
Base image for building an image (extended format), which also triggers a build of an image. |
docker.healthcheck.cmd |
Command to use for a healthcheck |
docker.healthcheck.interval |
Interval for how often to run a healthcheck (in seconds or with a given time unit) |
docker.healthcheck.mode |
If se to |
docker.healthcheck.retries |
Number of retries for how often to retry a healthcheck until it is considered to have failed |
docker.healthcheck.startPeriod |
Initialization time for containers that need time to bootstrap. Probe failure during that period will not be counted towards the maximum number of retries. However, if a health check succeeds during the start period, the container is considered started and all consecutive failures will be counted towards the maximum number of retries. (in seconds or with a given time unit) |
docker.healthcheck.timeout |
Timeout after which a healthcheck command is considered to be failed (in seconds or with a given time unit) |
docker.hostname |
Container hostname |
docker.imagePropertyConfiguration |
Special property to activate property configuration without altering XML file (see Activating property configuration externally). |
docker.imagePullPolicy.build |
Specific pull policy used when building images. See imagePullPolicy for the possible values. |
docker.imagePullPolicy.run |
Specific pull policy used for downloading images to run. See imagePullPolicy for the possible values. |
docker.labels.LABEL |
Sets a label which works similarly like setting environment variables. |
docker.loadNamePattern |
Search the archive specified in |
docker.log.enabled |
Use logging (default: |
docker.log.prefix |
Output prefix |
docker.log.color |
ANSI color to use for the prefix |
docker.log.date |
Date format for printing the timestamp |
docker.log.driver.name |
Name of an alternative log driver |
docker.log.driver.opts.VARIABLE |
Logging driver options (specified similarly as in |
docker.links.idx |
defines a list of links to other containers when starting a container. For example |
docker.maintainer |
defines the maintainer’s email as used when building an image |
docker.memory |
Memory limit in bytes. |
docker.memorySwap |
Total memory limit (memory + swap) in bytes. Set |
docker.name |
Image name |
docker.namingStrategy |
Container naming (either |
docker.network.mode |
Network mode to use which can be |
docker.network.name |
Name of the custom network when mode is |
docker.network.alias.idx |
One or more aliase for a custom network. Only used when the network mode is |
docker.noCache |
Don’t use a cache when building the image |
docker.squash |
Squash newly built layers into a single layer (API 1.25+, need to be enabled in the Docker daemon configuration) |
docker.optimise |
if set to true then it will compress all the |
docker.portPropertyFile |
specifies a path to a port mapping used when starting a container. |
docker.ports.idx |
Sets a port mapping. For example |
docker.registry |
Registry to use for pushing images. |
docker.restartPolicy.name |
Container restart policy |
docker.restartPolicy.retry |
Max restart retries if |
docker.run.idx |
List of commands to |
docker.securityOpts.idx |
List of |
docker.shmsize |
Size of |
docker.tags.idx |
List of tags to apply to a built image. See List Properties. |
docker.tmpfs.idx |
One or more mount points for a tmpfs. Add mount options after a |
docker.ulimits.idx |
Ulimits for the container. Ulimit is specified with a soft and hard limit |
docker.user |
User to switch to at the end of a Dockerfile. Not to confuse with |
docker.volumes.idx |
defines a list of volumes to expose when building an image. See List Properties. |
docker.volumesFrom.idx |
defines a list of image aliases from which the volumes should be mounted of the container. For examples |
docker.wait.http.url |
URL to wait for during startup of a container |
docker.wait.http.method |
HTTP method to use for ping check |
docker.wait.http.status |
Status code to wait for when doing HTTP ping check |
docker.wait.time |
Amount of time to wait during startup of a container (in ms) |
docker.wait.log |
Wait for a log output to appear. |
docker.wait.exec.postStart |
Command to execute after the container has start up. |
docker.wait.exec.preStop |
Command to execute before command stops. |
docker.wait.exec.breakOnError |
If set to "true" then stop the build if the a |
docker.wait.shutdown |
Time in milliseconds to wait between stopping a container and removing it. |
docker.wait.tcp.mode |
Either |
docker.wait.tcp.host |
Hostname to use for a TCP wait checks |
docker.wait.tcp.port.idx |
List of ports to use for a TCP check. See List Properties. |
docker.wait.kill |
Time in milliseconds to wait between sending SIGTERM and SIGKILL to a container when stopping it. |
docker.workdir |
Container working directory where the image is build in |
docker.workingDir |
Current Working dir for commands to run in when running containers |
Multiple property configuration handlers can be used if they use different prefixes. As stated above the environment and ports configuration are both used for running container and building images. If you need a separate configuration you should use explicit run and build configuration sections.
List properties refer to XML configurations items that accept a list of values, like <build><tag>
or <run><ports>
. To specify values using properties, you must declare a property for each value you want to add to the list, and add a idx suffix to the property name to determine its position in the resulting list.
For example:
The idx suffix defines the order of copying. Entries which idx is an integer number are copied first in ascending order by the parsed value of idx. Entries which idx is not an integer number are copied second in ascending alphabetical order by idx.
By default the property handler will only consider properties and ignore any other image
configuration in the XML/POM file. This can be changed by adding the <mode>
configuration (since version 0.25.0), which can have one of the following values:
Only look at properties, ignore any |
Use property if set, else fall back to value found in |
Use value found in |
Effectively disable properties, same as not specifying the |
It also possible to activate property configuration by setting the property docker.imagePropertyConfiguration
to a
valid property mode
, without adding an <external>
section. The plugin will then use any properties with default docker.
This can be useful if most of the configuration is specified in XML/POM file, but there
is need to override certain configuration values without altering the POM file (instead add this to a parent POM or
global settings.xml).
If set in parent POM, but not wanted in specific project, the property could be overriden locally with the value skip
to disabled property configuration for that particular project.
If set in settings.xml however, by Maven design, that value will always take precedence over any properties defined in
For configurations with multiple images, using this property will by default produce an error. All images would then
use the same docker
property prefix, resulting in multiple identical configurations.
This can be overruled by adding an explicit <external> configuration element with an explicit <prefix> to all
images (or at least all but one). Normally you’d want to use different prefix for each image, but if explicitly set
it does allow you to use the same prefix (even docker
) on all images. This is useful in case you just want to share
a few properties. This only makes sense when property mode
is override or fallback and image-specific configuration
are defined in the POM configuration.
For examples, see here
For some fields it may be desired to merge values from both POM and properties. For example, in a certain run environment
we might want to inject a http_proxy
environment variable, but we do not want to add this to the POM file.
This is solved using a Combine policy which can be either replace
or merge
. Merge is only available for
configuration of Map or List type. For scalar values such as strings and integers, it is not supported.
For Maps, both sources are merged, with the priority source taking precedence. For Lists, they are concatenated, with values
from the priority source being added first.
Combine policy is specified per configuration key/property, and the default in most cases is currently replace
. The following
keys have merge
as default policy:
This can be overridden individually for all configuration keys (of map/list type) by setting an additional property suffixed ._combine
For example, to not merge ports, set docker.ports._combine=replace
, and to enable merging of dns, set docker.dns._combine=merge
This would build the same image as the previous example.
If instead built with mvn docker:build -Pdocker.from=console/tomcat:8.0 -Ddocker.tags.0=tc8-test
it would build from that image instead, and also add that tag to the image.
If -Ddocker.labels.status=beta
is added, the image would be given two labels: status=beta
and software=tomcat
If -Ddocker.labels._combine=replace
is added, the image would be given one label only: status=beta
Global ~/.m2/settings.xml file:
When the plugin is executed, on a machine with the given settings.xml, the plugin will see the docker.imagePropertyConfiguration
configuration and enable
the property merging feature. When building, it will inject the http_proxy build ARG, and when running, it will inject the http_proxy ENV variable.
The rest of the configuration will be sourced from the XML, unless the Maven project has any other docker.*
properties defined.
Using the same global ~/.m2/settings.xml file as in previous example, but with two image definitions and no extra configuration will cause an error, saying that you cannot use property docker.imagePropertyConfiguration on projects with multiple images.
By adding an explicit external configuration directive with the same prefix in both images, this error is disabled.
The behaviour will now be same as previous example.
Note that you must explicitly state <mode>override</mode>
, otherwise it will use the default only
6.2. Docker Compose
This plugin supports also configuration via a docker-compose file, especially for running containers specified in docker-compose.yml
. Docker Compose handling is available also as an external configuration provider.
<alias>webapp</alias> (1)
<external> (2)
<type>compose</type> (3)
<basedir>src/main/docker</basedir> (4)
<build> (5)
1 | The alias of the image is used as correlation key mapping to a service in the Docker Compose file |
2 | An <external> configuration handler needs to be used for Docker Compose support |
3 | The type for the external configuration provider must be set to compose |
4 | Additional configuration for the handler where to find the compose file |
5 | Extra <build> , <run> and <watch> configuration can be provided which are used as default configuration for the Docker compose service webapp (as specified with the alias) |
The following options can be provided:
Element | Description | Default |
basedir |
Basedir where to find the compose file and which is also used as the current directory when examing the compose file. Any relative volume bindings will be resolved relative to this directory. |
composeFile |
Name of the compose file to use |
ignoreBuild |
Ignore the compose file’s |
The Docker Compose file can contain variables as described in the Docker Compose documentation. These are substituted with Maven project properties. Please note, when the docker-compose.yml
with variables is to be used with the docker-compose
CLI command, that these variables must also be valid environment variables (i.e. must not contain a .
In addition to the docker-compose.yml
you can add all known options for <build> , <run> and <watch> configuration elements which are then used as defaults and are overwritten by the configuration defined in the docker-compose.yml
file. The merging between the XML configuration and the information found in docker-compose.yml
is correlated via the <alias>
name. E.g. if the XML image configuration is aliased with webapp
then its is used as a default configuration for a Docker Compose service name webapp
. All other services defined in the compose file are left untouched.
6.2.1. Limitations
The following Docker Compose file keywords are not yet supported:
are not yet supported (but might be in a future version). -
for including other Docker Compose files is not yet implemented. -
Only services are currently evaluated, there is no supported yet for volumes and networks.
When using
with long syntax in a Docker Compose file, be advised the plugin cannot apply all usage constellations expressible in it. The root cause is this plugin uses the concept of pausing execution based on wait conditions attached to dependent containers, while Docker Compose applies checks when starting the depending container. Keep in mind that execution of a container is continued as soon as any wait condition is fulfilled.
7. Registry handling
Docker uses registries to store images. The registry is typically
specified as part of the name. I.e. if the first part (everything
before the first /
) contains a dot (.
) or colon (:
) this part is
interpreted as an address (with an optionally port) of a remote
registry. This registry (or the default docker.io
if no
registry is given) is used during push and pull operations. This
plugin follows the same semantics, so if an image name is specified
with a registry part, this registry is contacted. Authentication is
explained in the next section.
There are some situations however where you want to have more
flexibility for specifying a remote registry. This might be because
you do not want to hard code a registry into pom.xml
provide it from the outside with an environment variable or a system
This plugin supports various ways of specifying a registry:
If the image name contains a registry part, this registry is used unconditionally and can not be overwritten from the outside.
If an image name doesn’t contain a registry, then by default the default Docker registry
is used for push and pull operations. But this can be overwritten through various means:-
If the
configuration contains a<registry>
subelement this registry is used. -
Otherwise, a global configuration element
is evaluated which can be also provided as system property via-Ddocker.registry
. -
Finally an environment variable
is looked up for detecting a registry.
This registry is used for pulling (i.e. for autopull the base image
when doing a docker:build
) and pushing with docker:push
. However,
when these two goals a are combined on the command line like in mvn
-Ddocker.registry=myregistry:5000 package docker:build docker:push
the same registry is used for both operation. For a more fine grained
control, separate registries for pull and push can be specified.
In the plugin’s configuration with the parameters
, respectively. -
With the system properties
, respectively.
<!-- Without an explicit registry ... -->
<!-- ... hence use this registry -->
<!-- No registry in the name, hence use the globally
configured docker.jolokia.org:443 as registry -->
<!-- Explicitely specified always wins -->
There is some special behaviour when using an externally provided registry like described above:
When pulling, the image pulled will be also tagged with a repository name without registry. The reasoning behind this is that this image then can be referenced also by the configuration when the registry is not specified anymore explicitly.
When pushing a local image, temporarily a tag including the registry is added and removed after the push. This is required because Docker can only push registry-named images.
8. Authentication
When pulling (via the autoPull
mode of docker:start
) or pushing image, it
might be necessary to authenticate against a Docker registry.
There are six different locations searched for credentials. In order, these are:
Providing system properties
from the outside. -
Providing system properties
from the outside. -
Using a
section in the plugin configuration with<username>
elements. -
Using OpenShift configuration in
Using a
configuration in~/.m2/settings.xml
Login into a registry with
docker login
(credentials in a credential helper or in~/.docker/config.json
Using the username and password directly in the pom.xml
is not
recommended since this is widely visible. This is easiest and
transparent way, though. Using an <authConfig>
is straight forward:
The system property provided credentials are a good compromise when using CI servers like Jenkins. You simply provide the credentials from the outside:
mvn -Ddocker.username=jolokia -Ddocker.password=s!cr!t docker:push
The most mavenish way is to add a server to the Maven settings file ~/.m2/settings.xml
The server id must specify the registry to push to/pull from, which by
default is central index docker.io
(or index.docker.io
/ registry.hub.docker.com
as fallbacks).
Here you should add your docker.io account for your repositories. If you have multiple accounts
for the same registry, the second user can be specified as part of the ID. In the example above, if you
have a second account 'fabric8io' then use an <id>docker.io/fabric8io</id>
for this second entry. I.e. add the
username with a slash to the id name. The default without username is only taken if no server entry with
a username appended id is chosen.
The most secure way is to rely on docker’s credential store or credential helper and read confidential information from an external credentials store, such as the native keychain of the operating system. Follow the instruction on the docker login documentation.
As a final fallback, this plugin consults $DOCKER_CONFIG/config.json
is set, or ~/.docker/config.json
if not, and reads credentials stored directly within this
file. This unsafe behavior happened when connecting to a registry with the command docker login
from the command line
with older versions of docker (pre 1.13.0) or when docker is not configured to use a
credential store.
8.1. Pull vs. Push Authentication
The credentials lookup described above is valid for both push and pull operations. In order to narrow things down, credentials can be provided for pull or push operations alone:
In an <authConfig>
section a sub-section <pull>
and/or <push>
can be added. In the example below the credentials provider are only
used for image push operations:
When the credentials are given on the command line as system
properties, then the properties docker.pull.username
and docker.push.username
are used for pull and push operations,
respectively (when given). Either way, the standard lookup algorithm
as described in the previous section is used as fallback.
8.2. OpenShift Authentication
When working with the default registry in OpenShift, the credentials to authenticate are the OpenShift username and access token. So, a typical interaction with the OpenShift registry from the outside is:
oc login ... mvn -Ddocker.registry=docker-registry.domain.com:80/default/myimage \ -Ddocker.username=$(oc whoami) \ -Ddocker.password=$(oc whoami -t)
(note, that the image’s username part ("default" here") must correspond to an OpenShift project with the same name to which you currently connected account has access).
This can be simplified by using the system property
in which case the plugin does the
lookup. The equivalent to the example above is
oc login ... mvn -Ddocker.registry=docker-registry.domain.com:80/default/myimage \ -Ddocker.useOpenShiftAuth
Alternatively the configuration option <useOpenShiftAuth>
can be
added to the <authConfig>
For dedicated pull and push configuration the system properties
and docker.push.useOpenShiftAuth
available as well as the configuration option <useOpenShiftAuth>
an <pull>
or <push>
section within the <authConfig>
If useOpenShiftAuth
is enabled then the OpenShift Konfiguration will be looked up in $KUBECONFIG
or, if this environment variable is not set, in ~/.kube/config
8.3. Password encryption
Regardless which mode you choose you can encrypt password as described
in the
Maven documentation. Assuming
that you have setup a master password in
you can create easily encrypt
$ mvn --encrypt-password
This password then can be used in authConfig
, docker.password
and/or the <server>
setting configuration. However, putting an
encrypted password into authConfig
in the pom.xml
doesn’t make
much sense, since this password is encrypted with an individual master
8.4. Extended Authentication
Some docker registries require additional steps to authenticate.
Amazon ECR requires using an IAM access key to obtain temporary docker login credentials.
The docker:push
and docker:pull
goals automatically execute this exchange for any registry of the form <awsAccountId> .dkr.ecr. <awsRegion> .amazonaws.com, unless the skipExtendedAuth
configuration (docker.skip.extendedAuth
property) is set true.
Note that for an ECR repository with URI 123456789012.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/example/image
the d-m-p’s docker.registry
should be set to 123456789012.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com
and example/image
is the <name>
of the image.
You can use any IAM access key with the necessary permissions in any of the locations mentioned above except ~/.docker/config.json
Use the IAM Access key ID as the username and the Secret access key as the password.
In case you’re using temporary security credentials provided by the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS), you have to provide the security token as well.
To do so, either specify the docker.auth
system property or provide an <auth>
element alongside username & password in the authConfig
d-m-p will attempt to read AWS credentials from some well-known spots in case there is no explicit configuration:
it will pick up ENV variables as documented for the AWS CLI
it will pick up temporary credentials of the IAM role of an EC2 instance
it will pick up temporary credentials of the IAM role of a fargate task (OR ECS with EC2 with ECS_AWSVPC_BLOCK_IMDS as "true")
If any of these authentication information is accessible, it will be used.
For a more complete, robust and reliable authentication experience, you can add the AWS SDK for Java as a dependency.
This extra dependency allows the usage of all options that the AWS default credential provider chain provides. If the AWS SDK is found in the classpath, it takes precedence over the custom AWS credentials lookup mechanisms listed above. |
9. Implicit properties
There are some implicit configurations in docker maven plugin that are not so straightforward. These are simply workarouds to get docker-maven-plugin’s flow right; just to overcome limitations of Maven and other things. Some of these are mentioned below:
If the only value of the
parameter is a docker-maven-plugin internal property which has been set implicitly you have to prefix the property with a single+
like in+${docker.container.test.ip}
. This is necessary due to some Maven limitations which simply interpolates a lone, non defined property, to an empty string which can’t then be replaced by this plugin after the initial interpolation phase. -
When providing port mapping in a format like
, you need to prefix property with a single+
. In this form, the host ip of the container will be placed into a Maven property name host.ip. If docker reports that value to be, the value of docker.host.address will be substituted instead. In the event you want to use this form and have the container bind to a specific hostname/ip address, you can declare a Maven property of the same name (host.ip in this example) containing the value to use. host:port works in the same way as described above.
10. Further reading
Examples are below
and contain example setups which you can use as blueprints for your own projects. -
A Shootout for comparing docker maven plugins
Another sample project with a Microservice and a Database.
ChangeLog has the release history of this plugin.
Contributing explains how you can contribute to this project. Pull requests are highly appreciated!